Mad World (3:01)
Artist: Gary Jules
Transcriber: Transcribed by Thalorost of Gondor
Parts: 1
Madness - Our House (3:22) - Lute
Artist: Madness
Transcriber: Gof
Parts: 1
Main Title (Phantasy Star III) (2:45)
Artist: Ippo
Transcriber: Galathain of Dwarrowdelf
Parts: 2
Man of La Mancha
Artist: Man of La Mancha
Parts: 2
Mary Jane's Last Dance
Artist: Tom Petty
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
Más Világ
Artist: Rubicon
Transcriber: Torgrad of Snowbourn
Parts: 1
Me and My Broken Heart
Artist: Rixton
Transcriber: Liberiel
Parts: 1
Mellow Yellow
Artist: Donovan
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
metallica-anesthesia pulling teeth (2:19) - Theorbo
Artist: Metallica
Transcriber: Gof
Parts: 1
metallica-the unforgiven Guitar(By:Lollita)
Artist: Metallica
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 4