Artist: Led Zeppelin
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
The Battle of Evermore
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
The Battle of Evermore
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
The Blacksmith's Hornpipe
Artist: Traditional
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
The Hag With the Money
Artist: Traditional
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
The Humours of Tuaimgreine
Artist: Traditional
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
The Prophet's Song
Artist: Queen
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 5
Up Around the Bend
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
What I Like About You
Artist: The Romantics
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
A Day in the Life
Artist: The Beatles
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4