Invisible Touch
Artist: Genesis
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 5
Artist: Woodkid
Transcriber: Slusho of Snowbourne
Parts: 1
Istanbul (2:11) - Lute
Artist: They Might Be Giants
Transcriber: Gof
Parts: 1
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Artist: They Might Be Giants
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
It's A Jolly Holiday With Mary
Transcriber: Braig of Nimrodel
Parts: 2
It's Still Rock & Roll To Me
Artist: Billy Joel
Parts: 1
Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing (By:Lollita)
Artist: Jack Johnson
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 4
Jackson Five - ABC (By:Lollita)
Artist: Jackson Five
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 4
Jackson Five - ABC Guitar ( IMPROVED ) (by:Lollita)
Artist: Jackson Five
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 4
Jackson five - I want you back ( IMPROVED ) (by:Lollita)
Artist: Jackson Five
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 4