Fire water Burn
Artist: BloodHound gang
Transcriber: Unknown
Parts: 1
Fishing Blues
Artist: Taj Mahal
Transcriber: Liberiel
Parts: 1
fluorescent adolescent Improved Guitar (;Lollita )
Artist: Arctic monkeys
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player: http://lotro.acasylum.com/midi
Parts: 1
Flying Bulgar
Artist: Traditional Klezmer
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 2
Fool in the Rain
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow 01 (1:10)
Transcriber: Timirian from Snowbourn
Parts: 1
Fortunate Son
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
Forze Del Mal (2:05)
Transcriber: Braig of Nimrodel
Parts: 1
Free Bird
Artist: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
Free Fallin'
Artist: Tom Petty
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 5