Tunes by The Who
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
Pinball Wizard
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 2
Behind Blue Eyes
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 4
My Generation
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 3
Baba O`Riley
Transcriber: Hilwod of Landroval
Parts: 5
The who - my generation Guitar (by:Lollita)
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player:
Parts: 4
The who - my generation ( IMPROVED )(by:Lollita)
Transcriber: Transcribed using LotRO MIDI Player:
Parts: 4
behind blue eyes [lute] (by Cervantes of Meneldor)
Transcriber: Cervantes
Parts: 1